Welcome to the International ENERGY2021 Conference. Join the zoom meeting by clicking here






Under the distinguished patronage of Her Excellency Dr Madeleine TCHUINTE, Minister of Scientific Research and Innovation, The National Committee for Development of Technologies (CNDT), In partnership with the African Network for Solar Energy (ANSOLE) and The University of Buea (UB) organize

International Energy 2021 Conference


Renewable Energy and Digital Technologies for the Development of Africa

Date: 18th – 20th November 2021

Venue :





Main Topic:

“Renewable Energy and Digital Technologies for the Development of Africa”


Modelling and optimisation of Energy systems for Africa


Smart energy efficiency integration


Integration of digital tools in energy applications



About the Energy-2021 conference

The National Committee for Development of Technologies (CNDT), a structure of the Cameroonian Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation, organizes conferences and seminars every year on the themes of transfer and development of appropriate technologies for Cameroon and Africa. CNDT conferences gather researchers, policy makers, entrepreneurs, investors, students and innovators from Cameroon,

Energy2021-Conference context and objectives

Current and planned efforts to provide access to modern energy services in Africa barely outpace population growth despite progress in some countries. New models of energy production, transport and consumption are needed to improve the performance and lower the costs of energy systems and technologies. Many researches on energy generation components and systems have been developed taking into account the constraints of limited fossil fuel resources and climate change. These improvements could be accelerated with the penetration of new ICT in the energy sector. The technologies that have enabled the emergence and democratisation of the Internet could indeed be transposed to the energy sector. For decades, several ICTs have been used to improve the energy sector, including modelling, simulation and automation of energy systems.

Participation & registration

Participation at Energy2021-Conference is sought from across Africa and globally. National and international actors influencing the energy sector (researchers, policy makers, entrepreneurs, investors, students and innovators) are expected to ensure the linkages between research and development on all research results and innovations that will be presented.



Description Due Date
Abstract submission deadline
(and biodata including picture)
06th October, 2021
Notification for acceptance of abstract
(for communication or poster presentation)
15th October, 2021
Arrival of conference delegates 17th November, 2021
Dates of the conference 18th -20th November 2021